Unlock Sustainable Energy Savings with Target Solar's
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Zero Upfront Cost

Make the switch to solar without any initial investment
No hidden fees or jargon, just savings and sunshine
With our PPA, you’ll cut your energy costs in half

Chat, Plan & Go Solar

We chat, audit your energy, and create your custom solar plan—then you enjoy affordable, clean energy through our straightforward PPA.

Quick and easy steps to get started with commercial solar PPA

Contact Us

Reach out through a call, email, or online form. We’re eager to hear from you and kick-start your journey to sustainable energy for free.


Understand Your Energy Needs

Our experts will provide you with a comprehensive energy audit, free consultation, and a no-obligation quote. We dive deep to understand your specific energy needs, so the solar solution we provide is just right for you.


System Design and Agreement

After understanding your energy requirements, we tailor-make a solar system just for you. At this stage, you'll learn about the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and its terms and conditions. Target Solar owns and funds the solar system. You’ll purchase the solar energy it generates at a pre-determined, fixed rate that's lower than your current utility costs.


System Installation

Our certified installers will set up your customized solar system. Installation is hassle-free and managed by us from start to finish. Get ready to harness the power of the sun!


Solar Usage from Day One

Once the installation is complete, you can start using solar energy immediately. Watch your electricity bills shrink and your savings grow from day one.


Sit Back and Relax

We keep an eye on your solar setup to make sure it's working smoothly. If anything needs fixing, we handle it at no extra cost. You just enjoy the savings and the good vibes from using green energy.


    Zero Upfront Cost

    Make the switch to solar without any initial investment.

    Guaranteed Savings

    Purchase solar energy at rates lower than traditional utility prices.

    Seamless Maintenance

    Target Solar takes care of installation, maintenance, and repairs.

    Environmental Impact

    Reduce your carbon footprint while also saving money.

    Discover the Easiest Way to Switch to Solar, Risk-Free

    Welcome to Target Solar! Your search for an affordable, efficient, and hassle-free transition to solar energy ends here. With our innovative Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), you can enjoy all the benefits of solar energy without any of the risks or capital costs.

      Free Consultation: Schedule a free consultation with our solar experts to assess your energy needs and understand PPA.

      Target Solar Infographic

      Why Choose Target Solar's PPA?

      Leading Solar Energy Solution Provider: #1 Commercial Solar PPA Providers


      Years of Experience


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      Offices Across Australia

      A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is like signing up for a long-term deal with a gym. Instead of buying all the gym equipment yourself, you pay a fixed monthly fee to use theirs. In a PPA, a company sets up solar panels on your property and takes care of all the maintenance. You don’t own the panels; you just pay a set rate for the electricity they produce, usually at a cheaper rate than you’re currently paying to your regular utility company.

      Here are the 1H and 5Ws:

      How it works:

      1. The company installs solar panels on your property.
      2. You pay for the electricity these panels generate.
      3. The company maintains and repairs the panels.
      4. You get to use clean energy at a lower price.

      Who: You (the customer) and a solar energy provider.

      What: An agreement to buy solar-generated electricity at a fixed rate.

      Where: On your property, where the solar panels will be installed.

      When: For a specific period, defined in the agreement.

      Why: To save money on electricity bills and use clean, renewable energy.

      How: By signing a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the solar provider.

      In Australia, Power Purchase Agreements have become increasingly popular due to the government’s push for renewable energy and the decreasing costs of solar installations. These contracts allow Australian businesses and households to enjoy clean energy while saving on electricity costs.

      A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financial agreement where a customer agrees to purchase electricity from a power provider, usually at a predetermined, reduced rate. The power is generated by the provider’s renewable energy installation, such as solar panels.

      A PPA is essentially a long-term contract that sets the terms under which a customer will purchase electricity generated by a renewable energy installation. It often specifies the rate, duration, and other conditions like maintenance and system monitoring.

      If you are in need of a Power Purchase Agreement template for Australia, our experts can guide you through the necessary legal and financial details. Please call us at 1300776527 or contact us online for a free consultation.

      The benefits include lower electricity costs, zero upfront capital requirements, predictable energy pricing, and reduced carbon footprint, among others.

      The availability of PPAs varies by jurisdiction within Australia. To find out if PPAs are available in your state, please call us at 1300776527 for detailed information.

      In a PPA, the energy provider installs, maintains, and owns the renewable energy system. The customer then purchases the electricity generated at a fixed or predetermined rate.

      The customer agrees to buy electricity from a provider at a fixed rate. The provider owns and maintains the energy system, taking away the hassle from the customer.

      For more details on how a Power Purchase Agreement functions, feel free to call us at 1300776527 or visit our Google page. Our expert will provide a free consultation to explain everything about PPA in detail.

      For many businesses and individuals, a PPA can offer significant cost savings and sustainability benefits, making it a worthy investment.

      The energy provider installs a renewable energy system on the customer’s property. The customer then purchases the generated electricity at a fixed or predetermined rate, usually for a set period.

      For those looking to transition to renewable energy without the upfront costs, a PPA is generally considered a good idea. It also locks in energy prices, providing long-term financial benefits.

      Yes, for a detailed understanding of what a Power Purchase Agreement is, feel free to call us at 1300776527. Our experts will provide a free consultation to explain everything about PPA.

      PPAs are generally not considered financial derivatives. They are contracts for the purchase of electricity at a fixed or predetermined rate.

      The terms of a PPA can be confidential depending on the agreement between the parties involved. For more details, consult our experts at 1300776527.

      A Power Purchase Agreement means a contractual agreement to buy electricity generated by a renewable energy source at a predetermined rate.

      A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a contract where you agree to buy electricity directly from an energy provider—in many cases, one that produces renewable energy like solar or wind. The provider takes on the responsibility of installing, maintaining, and operating the energy system, often at no upfront cost to you. In return, you commit to purchasing the electricity generated by this system at a fixed or predetermined rate, which is usually lower than traditional utility prices. This allows you to benefit from cleaner, more sustainable energy while potentially saving money on your energy bills.

      Valuing a PPA involves multiple factors like rate, contract length, and estimated energy production. For a detailed valuation, consult our experts at 1300776527.

      If you’re asking whether you should do a Power Purchase Agreement, the decision depends on your energy needs, goals for sustainability, and financial situation. For a tailored consultation, call us at 1300776527.

      It’s a contract where you agree to purchase electricity generated by solar panels installed by a provider, usually at a reduced rate compared to standard utility rates.

      A virtual PPA is an agreement to purchase renewable energy credits rather than actual electricity. It’s a financial contract, not tied to the physical delivery of electricity.

      There are several types of PPAs, including standard, virtual, and onsite PPAs, each with its own terms and conditions.

      For specific recommendations on which Power Purchase Agreement would best suit your needs, please call us at 1300776527 or contact us online for a free consultation.

      A PPA document outlines the terms and conditions, rate of electricity, maintenance responsibilities, and other important factors. For a sample, contact our experts at 1300776527.

      In a PPA, the provider is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the renewable energy system. The customer buys the generated electricity at a fixed or predetermined rate.

      When reviewing a PPA, consider the electricity rate, contract length, maintenance provisions, and other terms. For a comprehensive review, contact our experts at 1300776527.

      In a solar PPA, the provider installs solar panels on your property and maintains them. You buy the generated electricity at a predetermined rate.

      In a virtual PPA, you agree to buy renewable energy credits instead of actual electricity, often at a fixed price. This can be a good option for businesses not directly connected to a renewable energy source.

      The frequency of power bills under a PPA typically aligns with your existing billing cycle, which could be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.

      Example: Solar Power Purchase Agreement for a Small Business

      Parties Involved:

      • Small Business Owner (You)
      • Solar Energy Provider (Company XYZ)

      The Agreement:

      1. Initial Assessment: Company XYZ conducts a free energy audit of your business and calculates how much electricity you typically use.

      2. Contract Terms: Both parties agree to a 20-year PPA term. Company XYZ offers electricity at $0.10 per kWh, which is lower than your current utility rate of $0.15 per kWh.

      3. Installation: Company XYZ installs solar panels on the roof of your business. The installation and equipment cost you nothing upfront.

      4. Energy Generation: The solar panels generate electricity, which your business uses.

      5. Monthly Billing: Every month, Company XYZ measures how much electricity you’ve consumed from the solar panels and bills you at the agreed rate of $0.10 per kWh.

      6. Maintenance and Repairs: Company XYZ is responsible for all maintenance, monitoring, and repairs of the solar panels.


      • You save money because you’re paying $0.10 per kWh instead of the regular $0.15 per kWh.
      • You don’t have to worry about maintaining the solar panels; Company XYZ takes care of it.
      • You reduce your carbon footprint by using renewable energy.


      • You agree to buy electricity from Company XYZ for the term of the PPA (20 years in this case).
      • You allow Company XYZ access to your property for installation, maintenance, and repairs.

      By entering into this PPA, you’ve secured a lower electricity rate for 20 years, transitioned to renewable energy, and avoided the need to install and maintain the system yourself.

      While Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) offer many advantages, like reduced electricity costs and a lower carbon footprint, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider:

      1. Long-term Commitment: PPAs often require a long-term agreement, usually spanning 10 to 25 years. This could be a drawback if your situation changes and you need to exit the contract early, as there may be penalties or termination fees.

      2. No Ownership: In most PPAs, the solar provider owns the renewable energy system, not you. This means you won’t be eligible for any government incentives or tax benefits associated with system ownership.

      3. Variable Savings: While you’ll likely save money compared to traditional utility rates, the amount you save can depend on several factors like regional electricity prices and the actual performance of the solar installation. Savings are not guaranteed.

      4. Limited Control: As you don’t own the system, customization and upgrades may be limited. You have to rely on the provider for maintenance and system improvements.

      5. Credit Requirements: Some providers require you to meet certain credit qualifications to be eligible for a PPA, potentially limiting access for some individuals or businesses.

      6. Property Restrictions: The provider may require a certain amount of available space, specific roof conditions, or other property-related qualifications. This could limit your eligibility for a PPA.

      7. Energy Prices: If energy prices decrease substantially over time, the PPA rate may become less competitive, though this is generally a rare occurrence.

      8. Exit Strategy: At the end of the PPA, you may need to decide whether to renew the contract, buy the system, or have it removed, each of which comes with its own considerations and potential costs.

      9. Potential for Hidden Costs: Always read the fine print to make sure there aren’t any hidden costs or fees, such as escalating rates over the term of the contract.

      Given these potential drawbacks, it’s crucial to thoroughly review any PPA terms and consult with experts before making a commitment.

      Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have gained popularity for several good reasons. Here are some of the key advantages:

      1. Financial Savings: PPAs often offer electricity rates that are lower than those of traditional utilities, providing immediate and long-term savings on energy bills.

      2. No Upfront Costs: Many PPAs require zero initial investment for the installation of the renewable energy system, making it financially accessible for many individuals and businesses.

      3. Predictable Pricing: With a fixed or predictable rate for the duration of the contract, you can more easily budget for your energy costs and protect yourself against volatile energy prices.

      4. Hassle-Free Maintenance: The PPA provider is usually responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system, relieving you of any maintenance burden.

      5. Sustainability: Using a renewable energy source like solar or wind power helps reduce your carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability.

      6. Flexibility: PPAs often offer flexible contract terms, allowing for different agreement lengths and sometimes even the option to purchase the system later on.

      7. Energy Independence: Generating electricity on-site reduces dependence on the grid and can provide some protection against grid failures.

      8. Technological Updates: As the owner of the system, the PPA provider has an interest in keeping it updated, ensuring that you benefit from any advancements in renewable energy technology during the term of your contract.

      9. Turnkey Solution: From assessment to installation to maintenance, the PPA provider handles all aspects of the renewable energy system, offering a hassle-free way to switch to clean energy.

      10. Scalability: Many PPA providers offer solutions that can scale with your needs, allowing you to expand your renewable energy usage as your requirements grow.

      11. Tax Benefits for Providers: While end-users may not be eligible for tax benefits, the providers can take advantage of government incentives, which often translates into lower rates for you.

      12. Positive Public Image: For businesses, using renewable energy can improve your brand’s image and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability to customers and stakeholders.

      These advantages make PPAs a compelling option for many people looking to reduce energy costs and transition to renewable energy sources.

      A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between an electricity provider and a customer. The provider is often a company that produces renewable energy, such as solar or wind power. Here are some key components that are commonly included in a PPA contract:

      Key Components of a PPA Contract

      1. Parties Involved: Identifies the parties entering into the agreement, typically the energy provider and the customer (which could be a homeowner, business, or organization).

      2. Duration: Specifies the length of the agreement, which can range from a few years to several decades.

      3. Energy Price: Details the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated by the renewable energy system. This rate is often fixed or contains a predetermined escalation clause.

      4. Delivery Point: Defines where the energy will be supplied, which is typically at the property where the renewable system is installed.

      5. Installation: Outlines the responsibility for installing the renewable energy system, which is generally the provider’s task.

      6. Maintenance and Repairs: Describes who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and any necessary repairs to the system during the contract term, often the provider.

      7. Performance Guarantees: May include clauses that guarantee a minimum level of energy production and outline remedies if these levels are not met.

      8. Termination Conditions: Specifies under what conditions the contract can be terminated by either party and outlines any associated penalties or fees.

      9. Ownership: Usually states that the provider owns the renewable energy system, including any renewable energy credits or other incentives.

      10. Metering and Billing: Explains how energy production will be measured and billed, often on a monthly basis.

      11. Force Majeure: Contains provisions for unexpected events beyond either party’s control that may affect the agreement.

      12. Dispute Resolution: Provides a mechanism for resolving any disagreements or disputes that may arise during the term of the contract.

      13. Governing Law: Specifies the jurisdiction and legal framework under which the contract is governed.

      Points to Consider

      Before signing a PPA contract, it’s advisable to consult with legal and financial experts to thoroughly understand the terms and potential implications. Look out for any hidden fees, rate escalations, or restrictive clauses that might impact you in the long term.

      If you’re interested in diving deeper into the specifics of a PPA, feel free to call us at 1300776527, or visit our Google page here. Our experts are available for free consultations and can explain everything you need to know about PPAs in detail. You can also contact us on our website here.